Bleaching/tooth whitening is a simple at-home or in-office procedure that can brighten and invigorate a smile. Tooth whitening is one of the easiest and safest ways you can improve the appearance of your teeth and increase your self-esteem. There are several different bleaching options including day-time, night-time, in-office. and jump-start bleaching. Which one will work best for you can be determined with a short consultation with one of our dentists. For over 15 years, we have been using Opalescence bleaching products, with fantastic results.

We offer the following convenient systems for whitening your teeth:

  • In-office Opalescence Boost bleaching
  • Opalescence in 10%, 20%, and 35% concentrations for day-time and overnight use (Take-home custom trays)
  • Opalescence Go! (Take-home non-custom trays)
  • Internal single-tooth whitening